prose: the moment is home


Loie Fuller   1862 – 1928 American

The moment is home. 

 This realisation brings me to tears. the couple laughing, their mouths chalky with coffee and cold air. Turkish friends chat amongst cake and crumbs. A child on its highchair throne lapping the attention, licking her lips. It’s an autumn warm day, the sun shines scrumptiously, knowing she’s a tease.


  It doesn’t matter I was taught love by its absence, at least I am being taught. It doesn’t matter that I live amongst a mouse, a Tunisian family, an old ill man with his old drunk friends, I am living. This moment is home, and the realisation is divine.

The moment is home. No angels, spirit guides, higher powers, psychedelics. No voices, Ouija boards, tin foil hats. No oracle cards, tarot cards, masonic hand movements, trance states, shamanic rituals. No astral travel, telepathy, rune readings.

The moment is home and to be aware of this , is a state of bliss.

 Just as the white light contains all the colours, i am the rainbow, refracted and reflected. I am the white God light, yet i am not. 

knowing nothing, being everything. 

another spiritual realisation occured around this time in 2018. Read it here:
